Sunday, September 5, 2010

Cream Style Corn

My family ate a lot of corn, when I was growing up. We grew it, harvested it, an ate it. My favorite was was cream style, although on the cobb was a close second. My grandmother taught my mom, and she taught me, how to cook cream style corn. As you know, the corn has a lot of sugar in it, and will stick to the skillet. Usually that's a problem. However, if you intentionally let it do that, carmelizes some of the sugars creating a unique dish, and I love it.

Frozen corn allows you to make this year round.
You can start with these while they are still frozen. They thaw fast in cast iron skillet with a little butter.

The first  goal is to boil off some of the water, so simmer over medium high heat, stirring frequently to prevent sticking. After 15 minutes, turn the heat down to medium, stop stirring and let it stick. When the "stuck" part has turned brown, turn the heat off and let the pan sit. After it cools for a few minutes, the stuck part will turn loose easily. Stir well, dislodging all the stuck stuff ( its really camelized corn).
Reheat and repeat the process one time.  Correct for salt, and your done.

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