Sunday, July 29, 2012


I know its been a year since I posted on this blog.....let's just say I lost my focus about blogging.....
After a recent trip to NYC where I ate wonderful scallops several times, I have tried them a couple times at home, with good results. What I've learned is that one must find good scallops. The frozen ones at SAM'S don't work well....they have water added to them and that makes the searing process very difficult if not impossible. I found "dry" scallops at Whole Foods in Dallas, and at FRESH in Tyler.  They were both wonderful, as good as NYC.

Salt and pepper each side.
I seared them in a cast iron skillet that was smoking when I added the oil and butter to it. Don't crowd them. I cooked them in two batches in a 10 inch skillet.

I made rissotto and added some lump crabmeat at the end of cooking it. Heirloom cherry tomatoes and sugar snap peas do dress the plate.  The chives were from my garden.

Bon Appetit

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